Wednesday, 7 March 2007

The Working Woman

(The Guardian, March 2nd, 2007). How incredibly difficult it must have been for her to have to ‘go back to work’ just 13 weeks after the birth of her Babies and work?

Oh dear, poor Gwen Stefani much wanted baby that was born in response to her listening to her biological clock ticking away. Funnily enough, she reports not having enjoyed pregnancy very much and I quote “having something growing in your stomach feels so unnatural” – hello – that’s where babies usually grow and I can assure you it is entirely natural and normal. Poor Gwen also reported feeling fat and having a negative body image, in fact, she felt so bad that halfway through the pregnancy she had to ‘put her feet up’ and retire to her bed for the rest of the pregnancy. I am sure that all the rest of the hard working women in the world that have reached this stage in their pregnancy would have loved to retire to their beds and indulged themselves in telly watching. Not only the extremely hard working midwives that I work with and doctors, female surgeons, dentists to name but a few, but any other women who finds herself pregnant and having to keep going to work to ensure that daily essentials are there, like food, rent, clothes for other children etc.

As for going back to work afterwards – how hard can it be when you have all the help in the world, like a nanny, manager, personal trainer etc.etc? How would Gwen cope, I wonder, within the real world of being a mum and a having a career?

Perhaps with her next pregnancy, which incidentally she is keen to have (like its some kind of given), she should be mindful of the fact that lying in bed all day when pregnant is not good. Does she not know that this can contribute to an increased chance of deep vein thrombosis? Women are at increased risk of this occurring during and after pregnancy due to the fact that blood composition changes in pregnancy and becomes thicker.

Charlotte Church take note.

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